The Colin Biggers & Paisley community has reached out and assisted many people in crisis from volunteering to pro bono legal advice during FY2020. From the bushfires that devastated communities, to those in need as a result of COVID-19. We have supported many individuals and orgnisations who would have otherwise fallen through the gaps. We increased our pro bono hours across the practice from 27 hours in FY2019 to 40 hours in FY2020, an outstanding result by all.
Now, more than ever, communities are struggling financially and emotionally in the current environment. Despite the challenges during FY2020 we raised and donated over $190,000, an achievement that has had a major impact on vulnerable communities and individuals.
We are in the unique position of being able to make a tangible difference to the lives of vulnerable people and the wider community.
Here is a snapshot of our contribution to those in need for the FY2020 period