Our Foundation
The Colin Biggers & Paisley Foundation brings together our entire
community offering and is comprised of three streams – pro bono
legal services, volunteering and charitable contributions.
To ensure maximum impact, the core focus of our Foundation is to promote and protect the rights of women, children and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia and abroad.
We consider all requests for pro bono legal services, professional
and general volunteering, community project assistance and in-kind
support. Our Foundation does not consider applications for grants.
What are the goals of our Foundation?
- To improve access to justice;
- To create access to opportunities;
- To create a business our people are proud to work in; and
- To create a business clients are proud to work with.
We are committed to improving access to justice, reducing unmet legal
need and playing a leading role in making the justice system work better.
We also believe in strong and active participation in the communities in
which we operate, and we want to create opportunities for disadvantaged
young people to find sound employment and keep it.